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JOWY Productions Presents Wedding Wednesday: "The Best Things in Life are Free"

As the saying goes, "the best things in life are free" which also can apply to weddings.  Here are a few ways to add intimate moments to your wedding without adding a penny to your budget

1. Honor your ancestors:  Carry a family locket, have the groom wear the same pocket square his Dad wore on his parents’ wedding day, dedicate a song to a grandparent or a loved one that is no longer with you.  

2. Say Thank You: Make sure as the bride and groom thank their loved ones for coming.  Be specific and let everyone know why it's special that they are there and where everyone traveled from, near and far to be there with them on their special day.

3. Read a passage or poem from your parents’ or grandparents’ wedding

4. Thank you Notes: Create a thank you note for your guests to pick up as they leave the event to go home. 

5. Sew the hankie your grandmother used on her wedding day into the lining of your dress.

6. Write love letters to each other on the bottom of your shoes. 

There are, of course, many ways to make your wedding special without adding to your budget.  Our ideas are just to get you started.  We would love to hear the creative ways all of you have created free and easy elements to add the “special touch” to your wedding day.  Please leave us a comment in the space below.

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